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Best Ways To Promote

 Free YouTube Traffic

Simply making a review video, testimonial, or video talking about the program and posting your video to YouTube with keywords such as “Bye 9 To 5 Course Review” is free and is one of the best ways to promote this program!

Simply put your affiliate link in the description, and if someone clicks the link and purchases you get a 50% commission for the sale!

Bye 9 To 5 is searched for 537,845 times per month on YouTube and has almost no competition. You should absolutely be taking advantage of this by making a YouTube video and using the keyword “Bye 9 To 5” and other related keywords I have listed below, and then putting your affiliate link in the description of the video. This is one of the best and easiest ways to make massive commissions completely for free!

Free Google Traffic

Google is another great platform for promoting the program. You will see if you Google “Bye 9 To 5” that not a lot comes up, but it gets hundreds of thousands of searches per month. This is a massive opportunity to throw up a quick review page for the program with your affiliate link in it and you can easily rank on Google for the term “Bye 9 To 5” or “Bye 9 To 5 Review”

You could even consider buying a cheap domain such as “bye9to5review.com” and ranking for it that way. Something as simple as this could turn into a full time income for you very quickly.

Free Google Traffic

Another great idea for promoting this program is simply going to forums such as Reddit dealing with YouTube or “Making Money On YouTube” or Facebook Groups relating to those subjects and promoting the program with your affiliate link there.

 If you don’t want to / aren’t allowed to put your affiliate link directly on the forum, you can also set up a quick landing page where you promote the offer to the program with your affiliate link on the landing page and send people to that landing page instead.

Paid Advertising

If you are more advanced, another great way to promote the program is paid advertising. You can simply throw up a YouTube Ad, Google Ad, Facebook Ad, or Instagram Ad or Shoutout and reach hundreds of thousands of people.

You can easily make much more in commissions than what the ads cost by doing this.

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